Department of Special Announcements

Pencilish Animation Studios

From the Department of Relationships


Want to own part of an animation studio? Tom Bancroft (Creator of Mushu from Mulan and the popular online art challenge #MerMay) has starting a crowdfunded animation studio via WeFunder: LINK

I’m happy to serve on the advisory board of Pencilish Animation Studios. I love the idea so much. They’ve raised over $200K in a few short weeks and invite you to become an investor as well.

Pencilish is a traditional 2d animation studio that will be making shows for both youtube and streaming. It's got a bunch of industry vets and young talent working together to make this happen. And instead of going to big investors to get the ball rolling they are fan supported. Meaning, you invest in it and if the company succeeds you succeed too. Investors also get to be a part of the behind the scenes of what goes on with the studio and have input on what projects get made.

This is super early stages, but I think it's a great idea and can't wait to see what they produce.

Check it out here: LINK


DRAWINGS 5 Books are finished!

I’ve been chipping away at all the rewards for my Kickstarter project and am happy to announce that the books have been printed, paid for,m and are being shipped to my home! They should arrive in about 40 days.

Check out these advanced copies the printer sent out to me:

Front and back covers designs

Front and back covers designs

Skull Chaser comic pages

Skull Chaser comic pages

Character design spread

Character design spread



So happy with this book. You're going to love it!

Order now: LINK
